
industrial vegetable washing machine

 Industrial Fruit Vegetable Washing Food Processing Equipment supplier


Our water air washer can be used for a variety of fruits and vegetables, including leafy greens. A combination of soaking, air agitation, debris removal and final rinse are applied. In the end, your products are handled gently, and come out clean and safe.

 The material enters the sink and is fully dispersed, rolled, cleaned and delivered under the action of high-pressure water and powerful bubbles. The sediment removed from the surface of the material sinks to the bottom of the silo, and does not cause the re-circulation to cause the re-contamination. Floating debris in the water and small insects are collected through the mesh of removal of impurities.  Filaments, hair and other impurities are cleared away through the roller.The washed material out of water will be in spray cleaning and will be ready for the next procedure. It is the ideal equipment for vegetable, food processing and catering industry.

