
vf800 vacuum fryer in Mexico


♦ Automatic control of temperature, no overheating, no overpressure, to ensure product quality and safety.

♦ The machine is made of stainless steel and has the advantages of high efficiency, stable performance, convenient installation, and operation, etc.



♦ Color effect: frying in the vacuum, frying temperature, and oxygen concentration is greatly reduced. Fried food is not easy to fade, color, browning, and can keep the raw material itself color. Such as Kiwi easily heated browning, if use vacuum frying, it can keep its green skin.

♦ Fragrance effect: frying in the vacuum, the raw material is heated in a sealed vacuum condition. In the raw flavor ingredients for most water solubility in fat is not dissolved, and with the dehydration of raw materials, the flavor ingredients are further concentrated.

♦ Therefore, the use of vacuum frying technology can well preserve the fragrance of the raw material itself

♦ To reduce the deterioration of oil: the degree of deterioration of frying oil including oxidation, polymerization, thermal decomposition with using water, or steam contact with oil produced hydrolysis. In the vacuum frying process, oil and gas in the vacuum state, insoluble in oil in a large number of a quick escape, water vapor pressure is less, and the frying temperature, therefore, low oil deterioration degree is reduced greatly.

