
Commercial Vacuum Fried Chips Machine

 Adjustable frying process specifications:

· Time of frying

· Temperature of frying

· Pressure


Vacuum deep fryer and its advantages:

· Possibility to produce many different products such as fruits (apple, banana), vegetable (sweet potatoes, beetroots, carrots, and many others), meat, fish

· Full preservation of useful characteristics of raw materials, vitamin content, and minerals. Intensify the organic taste and distinctive smell without adding fabricated ingredients.

· The automated management scheme ensures that you are able to fry separate products in separate modes without having to adjust.

· The oil is not exposed to high temperatures, does not burn, does not ingest odors and color pigment, and can be recycled with no need to change it.

· Highest energy efficiency without energy losses. In the place in which it is dried, no undesirable odors (smoke) and vapors are produced.

· The vacuum drying machine / deep fryer equipment currently contributes to the most modern preserving system. The method of frying and drying under vacuum is absolutely hermetic free of smoke, oil mist, and odor.

